home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; -------------- + -------------- + -----------------
- ; Setup sky file.
- ; #sky=filename.cel
- ;
- ; Freeze 3d objects
- ; #stopani [#number] ,freeze 3d object at start of level.
- ;
- ; Messages definition
- ; #mess [#number]
- ; Delay [.sec]
- ; Text[#word]: [ x,y] , x=-1 center for X
- ; #end
- ;
- ; #proc [#number]
- ; Setup process :
- ; StartDelay [.sec]
- ; BackWait [.sec] ,if not or 0 ,not revercible.
- ; Speed [.def]
- ; LifeCheckon ,LifeCheck:=True;
- ; Mortal ,Mortal:=True;
- ; LightRemap ,Wall bright:=Floor bright;
- ; Lock ,locked at begin;
- ; Loops [.num] ,loop action;
- ; LoopDelay [.sec] ,delay after loop;
- ; OnMessage [.num] ,[.num]= message [.num]
- ; FirstMessage [.num] ,shows one time
- ; LockMessage [.num] ,if Locked
- ; SfxId [.num] ,[.num]= sfx [.num]
- ; SfxPosxy [ x,y] ,
- ; LinkSwitchAt [ x,y]
- ;
- ; #action
- ; Action commands :
- ; lock [procnumber]
- ; unlock [procnumber]
- ; playani [.num] ,plays specified .3o .ani
- ; stopani [.num] ,stops ...
- ; move [ x,y] [ dx,dy] [s:num]
- ; xmove ---
- ; ymove ---
- ; rotate [ x,y] [ cx,cy] [dfi] [s:num]
- ; up [ x,y] [ H] [s:num] ,if H>=80 then walktrough
- ; light [ x,y] [int sec] [R:256] [Bright] [s:num]
- ; #end
- ;
- ; Links definition
- ; #links
- ; link [x,y] [.num] , walls and .3o
- ; floor - , floors
- ; shoot - , walls and .3o
- ; return - , walls and .3o
- ; unlock - , walls and .3o
- ; destroy - , 3dobject (auto-unlock locked processes)
- ; onofflink - , walls and .3o
- ; #end
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;+---------------------------------------+
- ;| Process definition file for level 04 |
- ;+---------------------------------------+
- ;+---------------------------------------+
- ;| Setup sky file. |
- ;+---------------------------------------+
- ;=================================
- ;| Processes definition part |
- ;=================================
- ;============================================
- ;| Link switches and objects to processes: |
- ;| Format: "LINK swx swy Nproc" |
- ;============================================
- #mess 01
- Delay 5
- TextA: -1 64 "This gate is closed"
- TextB: -1 74 "You must find another way."
- #end
- #mess 02
- Delay 5
- TextA: -1 64 "Getting into the"
- TextB: -1 74 "Shmuher Pyramid."
- #end
- #mess 03
- Delay 5
- TextA: -1 64 "These Gates are opened"
- TextB: -1 74 "by Ankh-Switch."
- #end
- #proc 01
- FirstMessage 01
- #action
- #end
- #proc 02
- Speed 04
- BackWait 2
- StartDelay 1.5
- SfxPosXY 24 42
- SfxID 90
- LightRemap
- #action
- move 24 42 -192 0
- move 24 43 -192 0
- move 24 44 -192 0
- move 25 42 192 0
- move 25 43 192 0
- move 25 44 192 0
- #end
- #proc 03
- Speed 03
- LinkSwitchAt 25 32
- LightRemap
- SfxPosXY 30 35
- SfxID 90
- #action
- move 29 35 -196 0
- move 30 35 -196 0
- move 30 34 -196 0
- move 31 34 196 0
- move 31 35 196 0
- move 32 35 196 0
- #end
- #proc 04
- Speed 24
- BackWait 0.1
- sfxPosXY 43 32
- SfxID 89
- #action
- xmove 42 32 40 -196
- xmove 43 32 40 -196
- xmove 44 32 40 -196
- xmove 42 33 40 196
- xmove 43 33 40 196
- xmove 44 33 40 196
- wind 41 32 43 33 -21 0
- #end
- #proc 05
- Speed 14
- BackWait 0.1
- sfxPosXY 30 30
- SfxID 89
- #action
- ymove 29 30 -196 -40
- ymove 30 30 -196 -40
- ymove 30 29 -196 -40
- ymove 32 30 196 -40
- ymove 31 30 196 -40
- ymove 31 29 196 -40
- wind 30 29 31 30 0 14
- waitout 7936 7904 128
- #end
- #proc 06
- Speed 04
- RedKey
- LinkSwitchAt 30 46
- #action
- unlock 07
- #end
- #proc 07
- Speed 04
- SfxPosXY 36 42
- SfxID 90
- LockMessage 03
- Lock
- #action
- move 36 41 -196 0
- move 36 42 -196 0
- move 36 43 -196 0
- move 37 41 196 0
- move 37 42 196 0
- move 37 43 196 0
- #end
- #proc 08
- Speed 14
- BackWait 0.1
- sfxPosXY 24 34
- SfxID 89
- #action
- ymove 24 34 -196 -40
- ymove 24 35 -196 -40
- ymove 24 36 -196 -40
- ymove 25 34 196 -40
- ymove 25 35 196 -40
- ymove 26 35 196 -40
- wind 24 34 25 36 0 21
- #end
- #proc 09
- Speed 14
- BackWait 0.1
- StartDelay 4
- sfxPosXY 39 40
- SfxID 89
- #action
- xmove 39 39 40 -196
- xmove 40 39 40 -196
- xmove 41 39 40 -196
- xmove 39 40 40 196
- xmove 40 40 40 196
- xmove 41 40 40 196
- wind 38 39 40 40 -21 0
- #end
- #proc 10
- Speed 14
- sfxPosXY 49 41
- SfxID 89
- #action
- xmove 49 40 40 -196
- xmove 49 41 40 -196
- xmove 49 42 40 -196
- wind 48 41 50 41 -08 0
- #end
- #proc 11
- LinkSwitchAt 54 35
- StartDelay 0.7
- Speed 14
- #action
- #end
- #proc 12
- StartDelay 1.1
- Speed 10
- SFXid 88
- SFXPOSXY 54 34
- #action
- move 2 2 200 0
- death 53 34 55 35 16 128 200
- #end
- #proc 13
- StartDelay 1.7
- Speed 4
- #action
- change 54 35 56
- #end
- #proc 14
- Speed 4
- enddelay 1.2
- #action
- move 0 0 100 0
- #end
- #proc 15
- Speed 4
- FirstMessage 02
- #action
- move 0 0 100 0
- #end
- #links
- floor 30 50 01
- floor 31 50 01
- floor 24 43 02
- floor 25 43 02
- floor 24 41 02
- floor 25 41 02
- link 25 32 03
- floor 36 32 04
- floor 36 33 04
- floor 30 42 05
- floor 31 42 05
- link 30 46 06
- floor 36 41 07
- floor 37 41 07
- floor 25 41 08
- floor 24 41 08
- floor 33 41 09
- floor 46 41 10
- floor 54 39 11
- floor 54 39 12
- floor 54 39 13
- floor 53 31 14
- floor 54 31 14
- floor 55 31 14
- floor 53 31 15
- floor 54 31 15
- floor 55 31 15
- #end
- .